We proudly employ the Industries most dedicated individuals,
who are all professionally trained to Roofin service standards.
The estimates provided by our cost estimation calculator offer an instant approximation of the price range for the selected service. These estimates are tailored to give our customers a clear understanding of the potential cost involved in the service they are interested in. The calculation takes into account all the details provided by the customer, such as the square footage of the roof and any other specific information requested in our form. This ensures that the estimate is as close as possible to the actual cost you might incur.
Our estimates are 99% accurate, provided that the customer accurately answers all the questions in the form. The accuracy of our calculator is a testament to the precision of the specific formula our team uses for estimates, which is the same methodology we employ for manual estimations. It’s essential that customers provide precise and truthful responses to all the questions, including the square footage of the area requiring service and other relevant details, to ensure the reliability of the estimate.
Once you receive the PDF file with your cost estimation, you should review the estimated cost to decide if it aligns with your expectations and budget. If you are satisfied and interested in proceeding with our company for the service, you can immediately contact us via email or phone to discuss further steps or clarify any doubts. If we do not hear from you after you’ve submitted the form and received your estimate, our team will proactively reach out within the next 24 hours. This follow-up is to ensure that all your concerns are addressed and to assist you in making an informed decision about using our services.
We proudly serve the entire Bay Area, bringing quality roofing solutions to your neighborhood.